Monday, December 31, 2007


Offenders: Bloggers Everywhere
Offense: Uninspired blogging

Blogging is a serious endeavor. One should not assume the role without carefully considering its many consequences. Although the demands of blogging appear simple on the surface, they can drain the most creative wordsmiths of us all. The fact is a blogger need only be original in his thoughts and opinions and post frequently enough so as to satiate the
devoted readers of the blog. Possessing thoughts and opinions might pose an obstacle to some individuals like GDub but for the rest of us it really isn't an issue. That being said apparently some of those residing in the blogosphere are unaware of the definition of frequent. Frequent isn't once a month nor is it twice a week. I am tired of visiting my favorite blogs and discovering that they have not been updated in almost three weeks. I need my fix especially at work with little else to preoccupy my time. Some bloggers might even argue they need time to live the lives they detail on the net. Yet, the fact that you are visiting your family or just taking a vacation is inconsequential to me. Do you think I care that are you actually doing the things you blog purport to relay on your blog? Guess what, I don't. I want to be entertained. So put the Pina Coladas down, tell the parents you love them, and get to your laptop and tell me all the funny stories about how Aunt Judy showed up to Christmas dinner alone because she caught Uncle Fred with the next door neighbor, Alex.

Punishment: Spending the night in Times Square with all the crazies celebrating NYE

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