Monday, May 12, 2008

Comical Emails

From: Nigerian Princess
To: The Planner; FrontOffice Girl; King;
Subject: RE:

ooo seems interestinggg..shall investigate later.
omg guys, can i just stress the benefits of a HIGH-protein diet? I haven't been to the gym since like 4Q'07, and i went last night and I feel like i look more toned today!! (maybe it's all in my head??). Eat tons of chicken bones and eggs and your body will love you for it.

From: FrontOffice Girl
To: Nigerian Princess; The Planner; King;
Subject: RE:

HAHAHAA!! but I see you eating pasta/twix/scooby cookies/basically anything you please. and yet you've lost weight. how do you do it?!!!! fatty grasshopper must learn. 

From: Nigerian Princess
To: FrontOffice Girl; The Planner; King;
Subject: RE:

lol oh yea...oops forgot about the pasta and TWIX (which i have..umm EVERYDAY!!) and scooby snacks, but I'm working on trasitioning to an ALL PROTEIN diet like my coworker who looks like an extra from '300'.

From: FrontOffice Girl
To: Nigerian Princess; The Planner; King;
Subject: RE:

what i really wanna know is how Janet jackson goes from 600 lbs to 120 in like 3 months. such perseverance!!

From: Nigerian Princess
To: FrontOffice Girl; The Planner; King;
Subject: RE:

chicken bones and eggs!!!!
and maybe a lil suction here and there...

From: The Planner
To: Nigerian Princess; FrontOffice Girl; King;
Subject: RE:

I think Janet Jackson needs to find her happy weight and stay there. All this yoo-yoo dieting is not good for the heart. Look what happened to Luther :-(

From: Nigerian Princess
To: The Planner
Cc: King
Subject: RE:

lmfao...he was having a dozen crispy cremes and two pizza pies for BREAKFAST. it was only a matter of time before he would finally get to dance with his father again!!

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