Thursday, August 28, 2008


Offense: TWI (Talking While Ignorant)
Offender: Red-headed girl in my Section

Girl shutup! You have no clue of what you're talking about. Stop using all those legal terms that you clearly have no grasp of either their meaning or application. Its Day 2 no one expects you to be Matlock. Let somebody else answer a question. We don't care what you did this past summer. Unless you graduated from law school and passed the bar its really not relevant. Maybe you should spend less time participating in class and more time reading the actually cases. In the interim, SHUTUP!

Punishment: You can only answer a question if you have some exceptional knowledge about the matter.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON. Did you happen to see the speech my girl gave the other night? I mean really. Did she kick in the door or what? Below are my personal highlights:

And you haven’t worked so hard over the last 18 months, or endured the last eight years, to suffer through more failed leadership.
No way. No how. No McCain.

John McCain says the economy is fundamentally sound. John McCain doesn’t think that 47 million people without health insurance is a crisis. John McCain wants to privatize Social Security. And in 2008, he still thinks it’s okay when women don’t earn equal pay for equal work.

With an agenda like that, it makes sense that George Bush and John McCain will be together next week in the Twin Cities. Because these days they’re awfully hard to tell apart.

When she invoked Harriet Tubman it was over:

By following the example of a brave New Yorker , a woman who risked her life to shepherd slaves along the Underground Railroad.

And on that path to freedom, Harriett Tubman had one piece of advice.
If you hear the dogs, keep going.
If you see the torches in the woods, keep going.
If they're shouting after you, keep going.
Don't ever stop. Keep going.
If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.

NYU Law School

Sorry that I have been MIA over the past week but a little thing called law school just occupied my entire life. Seriously, these people are not playing. They truly expect you to live, breath, eat, sleep, wear, be, reenact, suffer, and praise the LAW. My body is already suffering from carrying those heavy ass textbooks to and from class.
Anyway, Sunday was our first day of orientation which largely consisted of a Scavenger Hunt in the West Village on a hot and humid day typical of August in NYC. It was really a time for each of us to get to know 8 of the 90 people in our section. The jury is still out on whether or not these people are of going to join the Royal Court. In so many ways, there has been a lot of Vanilla and far too little Chocolate, Strawberry, or even Butter Pecan.
Over the past two days nothing too exciting has gone down. I made a Royal entrance to class today, which means I was late and really wasn't a good look. However, I redeemed myself by answering a question that was well received and which a classmate later stated: "You sounded really smart."
Basically, what I am saying is I am happy. The work is interesting so far and quite manageable in my opinion. Hopefully, I meet more people and find a group of friends of royal stature.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Offense: Grand Larceny
Offender: Crackhead(s)

Crackhead striks again. Apparently crackheads nine lives. Although beheaded a little over month again they are back to their same game. This time they robbed my mother who was silly enough to leave her doors unlocked. The booty from this break in included changed valued at $5 and a an Ipod. They really hit the jackpot. I bet somebody in my neighborhood is walking around with my mother's Ipod I purchased with the following engraving: To Mom From King. Too funny.

Punishment: An old school beat down.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Got the Class Schedule

NYU sent the 1L sections out today and I am now one of the 90 proud members of Section 2. My schedule pretty much sucks because I have class at 9 everyday of the week. Its like having a job again. I left Corporate America for the laid back atmosphere of school and already its turning out to be the opposite. Not really, but you get the point. Oh, Law school classes last 1 hour and 50 minutes. Good Lord that's a lot of time to listen to one person talk. Let's hope for my sake that the topics and the professors are interesting. Anyway, I only have four classes and one of them is Pass/Fail so it shouldn't be to0 bad. This school thing is really happening.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

We Da' Best

I love the Olympics. The Men's Freestyle Relay was ridiculous. After France talked all this trash about how they were going to smash the US, they lost. The French actually came in second to the Americans. Phelps can still when 8 gold and the French along with the rest of the world just learned a fine lesson: Never count us out cuz we da' best.

Dirty Birds Pt.2

Many of you may remember my first visit to Philly. Think drunk obnoxious football fans yelling at a 7 year old supporting her uncle who played for the away team. Anyway, this time around I guess I got to meet the better heeled Philadelphia resident. Definitely not that impressive but also didn't have to cut anybody. The main reason for my visit was to meet up with my former ND buddies: Candy & Terry. Those two haven't changed one bit. Candy still loves her sweets and Terry is still living in her own world. There is nothing like being around people you know all to well. It was almost like we never even left each other. Good times.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Without Further Ado

Dear King:

The Admissions Committee has determined that it will not be possible to offer you admission to Harvard Law School. We greatly appreciate that you kept your application available for possible consideration. If you perform at a high level at another law school in your first year and continue to be interested in Harvard Law School, we welcome your application for a transfer. Transfer application forms will be available in mid-April 2009.

Thank you for your patience and for your interest in Harvard Law School.

Toby W. Stock
Assistant Dean for Admissions

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Check Out the New Countdown

I'm always counting my money, how many times you have worn those jeans with that t-shirt and those same ugly sneakers, or my LSAT score. So the countdown will now be a fixture of the blog. Look to the right.

Some People

So tonight I was craving some Popeye's Fried Chicken. I know, so hood, but whatever. That ish tastes so good. Anyway, I order my 8 pieces of MILD chicken which consisted of: 3 breasts, 3 thighs, 1 wing, and 1 leg. Oh, a side of mashed potatoes with gravy, cole slaw, and 5 biscuits. No, I wasn't being an FA. The food was for me and the rents. After I order, you know I stalked the counter to ensure the wonderful people who work at America's fine fast food establishments don't mess up my order. Lo and behold, I notice this fool is intentionally putting Spicy Chicken in my box. Everyone, and I mean everyone knows I despise spicy food. Hell in my mouth is not what I call appetizing but I digress. So this jerk brings the box of Spicy Chicken over and calls out my number.

Me: What kind of chicken is THAT? Is that Mild? (*Imagine the voice I use when I am annoyed, know I am right, and am going to prove my point.*)
Popeye: Yes, its Mild.
Popeye: Yes, its mild.
Me: Ok, so what kind of chicken is that over there? (*Pointing to the right. Everyone knows they keep the spicy chicken way off in Hades to the right*) That's Spicy right?
Ms. Popeye: Yeah, that's Spicy over there.
Me: Didn't you just get that chicken from over there? (*Giving Popeye that look that only someone who has pissed me off can enjoy.*)
Popeye: Yeah, we didn't have any more Mild wings.
Me: AND? I don't eat SPICY. You BETTER put something else in that box and it BETTER not be Spicy.

So Popeye snatches the box and replaces the Spicy chicken with Mild chicken. He acts like he was doing me a favor after I not only caught him messing up my order but lying to a customer. He is lucky he still has a job and I was too hungry to say the words every fast food employee hates to hear: CAN I TALK TO THE MANAGER?

Our takeaways: Pay careful attention when frequenting fast food establishments. Don't mess with me and my chicken.