Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Typical Email Conversation at Savings & Loans

From: Nigerian Princes
To: FrontOffice Girl; King
Subject: omg

YuMatch (really culturally awkward girl who has been known to sport matching hat & sweater combos usually seen on three year olds. Important note: she typically wears that hat indoors not to mention it has one of those balls on it) is wearing a top I would wear out on a Saturday night!! Veryyyyy scandalous!

From: King
To: Nigerian Princess; FrontOffice Girl
Subject: RE: omg

LMAO. Poor girl probably doesn't know any better although she has been living in the US for a while now.

From: FrontOffice Girl
To: King; Nigerian Princess
Subject: RE: omg

She has?

From: King
To: FrontOffice Girl ; Nigerian Princess
Subject: RE: omg

Yeah, at least all of college. That's 4 years right there.

From: FrontOffice Girl
To: King; Nigerian Princess
Subject: RE: omg

Haha I was kidding. Had we not been locked up at the same penitentiary (Savings & Loans), I would think she just arrived in a shipping cargo labeled "Sweaters"...

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