Sunday, November 4, 2007


Offender: Savings & Loans CEO
Offense: Miscounting

Counting is not what its cracked up to be. The work environment is characterized by high pressure, fast pace, and unreliable fellow counters. Yet, that is why head counters get paid the big bucks. Depositors actually expect the count to be right. So when you lose billions of dollars in a single quarter depositors get a little antsy. They actually start calling for your head. They start to question your ability to count. And you know what they say, "If you can't count ...." IDK but you get the point. Ultimately, the King has to give the people what they want. So Savings & Loans CEO you can say you're resigning but you have been fired. Get you sh*t and get out.

Sentence: Counting your hundred million dollar severance package, you lucky b*tch.

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