Thursday, November 1, 2007

Royal Demands

Yesterday King was on the phone with a friend when King stated the following:

"I really don't have time for people who want to think for themselves. Just do what I tell you to do."

The aforementioned friend thought said comment was absolutely comical and possibly indicative of a lack of social training.

So in the spirit of having a little fun I would like my five faithful readers (you know who you are) to complete the statement listed below:

King does not have time for people who want to think for themselves because _____________________.


Unknown said...

King does not have time for people who want to think for themselves because he lives in the constant state of delusion.

Unknown said...

King does not have time for people who want to think for themselves because those people are crazy.

King does not have time for people who want to think for themselves because it is King's job to think and people's job to listen.

King does not have time for people who want to think for themselves because King is King.

Anonymous said...

King does not have time for people who want to think for themselves because that leads to "f****** for tracks!"

LMAO! ;-)