Wednesday, February 20, 2008

FrontOffice Girl Update

Now that FrontOffice Girl has joined her new group she isn't as boisterous or forthcoming with her complaints about the dead-end work she is doing. Most likely its because she is so busy she doesn't have time these days to shoot the breeze. However, she has adopted this new habit of creating nicknames for coworkers. Yet, unlike the rest of us, she has decided to refer to these people by their nicknames to their face. I am all for monikers that suit the individual. For example, the kid who just looks a hot mess all the time we now refer to as Mess. That is we he is not around. When Mess is in our presence we call him by his government. Anyway, FrontOffice Girl now refers to a grown thirty year old man as Smiley. If she needs help she comes over to his desk and literally shouts for the whole floor to hear Smiley can you help me. She even introduces him to other counters as Smiley. I currently don't know his actual name because she only calls him Smiley. Yesterday, she wrote an email that stated "Today is one of those days I really want to punch Smiley in the face." Smiley can't possibly enjoy being belittle by FrontOffice Girl but is quite likely smiling too much to say anything.

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