Sunday, June 22, 2008

Walmart Never Again

Today I needed to replenish my Evian stock so I headed Walmart to pick up a case at a reasonable price. I am a King but I do like to save money, especially when it comes to drinking water. Do yourself a favor don't ever visit that place. It was only my fourth or fifth time in a Walmart and very likely my last. In a way it was like being thrown in a cage with wolves. People were loud, aggressive, dirty, and just savage like. Not to mention they didn't even have Evian in stock. I guess the plebs only drink DaSani. Anyway, I realized I am an elitist down to my core. I need to accept my station in life and work to improve the lives of the many while protecting my lot. I guess I'll have to stick to the overpriced supermarket my mom shops at and hope the money I spend trickles down to someone in need.

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