Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Offender(s): Muletsag Nauj & Nayr Ecadnac
Offense: High treason for the attempt to compass, imagine, invent, devise or intend the harm of the person of the King

For a majority of my loyal subjects college still represents a seminal period in their lives. Many will cite their college years as the period they came to know themselves. Personally, I learned that I was a King and had to begin to behave as such. Sartorial excellence, giving orders, and resisting any type of work or activity that would cause me any discomfort or just didn't interest me were in face my birthright. Thus, when professors asked questions on exams that I didn't approve the most appropriate response was to not answer the question. Who cares if I would fail because the exam because it was composed of only two questions? Kings must stay true to themselves.
During my college years I also learned this very important lesson: Be selective about who you associate with. Royalty cannot befriend the campus skank but they must ensure that the important people like the
Chair of a particular department is on their side. With that end in mind I was diligent and steadfast in assembling the most eclectic bunch of friends. Individuals, who I believed would be around far after I graduated college. To my surprise this has not been the case. Some of the people I was closest to, people who I allowed into my world have let me down. They have literally treated me like some bald-headed step child. They have acted as if my friendship meant little
more to them than their numerous late night random hookup. More importantly, they have forgotten that I know secrets. Secrets that I am sure they would hate to have their parents discover while picking up the
mail tomorrow. That's right folks I only no one way to play the game and that's hard.

Punishment: Living with the fact that the King has and will obtain great wealth and you will enjoy not a morsel of it.


Anonymous said...

Now you know you ain't fooling anybody...LOL!

Unknown said...

nope. you're not fooling a single soul. Don't think I don't check up on you. In fact, I stalk you diligently... you just don't know it. Just remember, I know secrets, too. And I always play hardball.

P.S. You're a hott mess and I miss you.