Thursday, December 20, 2007

LSAT Score

Its in people. I got my score a day early. I am not ecstatic but I am content. I scored in the range of where I was testing. Surprisingly, I didn't lose that many points on Logic Games. Thank you Powerscore. I got more Logical Reasoning questions than I usually do wrong. Anyway, I got a 163, 88th percentile, which means if a 100 people took the test tomorrow I would do better than 88 people. So I guess I am not a total idiot. Its weird having my score. I wanted a 170 but will definitely take my 163. Now I need to apply to a couple of more schools just to be safe.

Thanks for all the support over the past couple of months. I will definitely keep everyone up to date on my status during the application process.


Unknown said...

Congrats Broderick! Now let's go celebrate in Europe!!

Unknown said...

Good job B-rod.